Corporate Sponsorship Information

Current Fundraising Efforts

Click on the links below to take advantage of some great deals and sign up for easy ways to help raise funds for the band that cost you nothing!

Support the Band with a Donation

Help support DRHS Bands by making a donation. Simply click the “Donate Now” button above. It will take you to the GPS Online Community Donations Page. Simply find Desert Ridge in the drop down menu, and find “Band” under the “items” drop down menu.  Thank you so much for helping out the bands!

Fry’s Community Rewards Fundraiser

            We hope you will take a few minutes to enroll your V.I.P Card up to support the Desert Ridge High School Bands! Here is a walk-through on how to sign up! Did you know you can support Desert Ridge High School Bands just by shopping at Fry’s? It’s easy…